Episode #38 – 4 Key Post to Get Engagements on Your FACEBOOK WALL !

Do you always want to know how to create engagement on your wall by just posting! There are 4 key post that can create a massive amount of engagement.

Watch the Video Below to discover them!

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Victoria Ter

Author, World Traveller and Speaker

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I will be sharing with you the four types of post that you should put on your Facebook fanpage…


So lets begin..


Alright guys, So what are you suppose to post onto your fan page or personal profile…


Guys if you are using your personal profile for your business, you may want to start creating a Fanpage soon because there are so many cool features that you can use to promote your business, but if you are still using your personal page because there is more traction, I totally understand…but you should still build a Fan Page in the mean time…


Okay so lets talk about what you should post…


There are Four things you should Post!


1 – you should post catchy inspiring post…which I do so many people posting, and some people post nothing but inspiring quotes. Guys if you are doing a real online business..you have to mix it up a little bit…because after a while, people kind of only know you as the inspiration quote girl or guy and that can get pretty mundane..and boring…and people will actually start to click you off or unlike you. But one suggestion if you do quotes, add a question on the top and speak a little bit about the quote, don’t just post the picture and nothing else.. and another thing, if you got an original quote from someone, share it from their page, don’t just do a screen shot of it and use it as your own by just slapping your logo on top of theirs…give credit where its due…and besides, just like Ray higdon says, many quotes with logos and websites don’t always get shared as much as plain quotes…and besides tell me a time when you actually went to someone’s website from a quote they posted..never right, so its really not that important to put your logos or websites on it..you can, but I found that it doesn’t get shared as much…


2- Valuable content – Whether its in writing, or a video, or a blog post, its important that you create valuable content and information to the audience that you are targeting. If you are in health and wellness, you may want to write article or share fun facts in a form of a video or just a write up to your audience so they know to always keep an eye out for your post. And because its valuable, they will more likely view it and share, and comment, therefore creating engagements wich ultimately increases your edge rank on Facebook and facebook will start pushing your psot out to more of your fans..otherwise currently, they only push out to about 7 percent of your audience. So its really crucial to get engagements and views to your post..if you are doing videos , try Facebook live because its really jamming for those that know how to use it, I spoke about it in one of my other post and I even included a free in debt training..so go check that post out if you want to learn about facebook live…


  1. Share post about your life Journey, things you are doing, places you are going, food you are eating ( but not only that as most people are doing) its cool but spread it out a little bit..share part of your life guys, if you are all abaout family, share family photos, if you are all about God, share verses from the bible, if you are all about pets, share your pets..sports, share pictures of them, like Ray says, this forces you to find interesting things to do so that you can share it on your page…


  1. curiosity post about your business…curiosity post being post that implies things about your business..but not directly plastering the company info everywhere…and I mentione this in many of my videos. When you plaster info about your company, you will be viewed as the sales and pitchy girl or guy and after a while, people will just unlike or unfriend you because they don’t want to be sold to all day long. The other issue is, if you are promoting your business, people will just google the name of the business, come across the company replicated site and buy directly through them because its just easier than dealing with a third party rep. And another problem is people may google the company info and just sign up with or buy from another person who is marketing the product better than you…Yikes…all your hard work down the drain…so guys Curiosity post..example..if you represent a shake or coffee..show pictures of you drinking it without images of your product, and just talking about how much weight you lost, or how delicoious it is an how great make you feel..people will start ot contact you to ask you abot it.


So guys these are the four types of p ost that you may want to do on your fanpage or I guess if you are adamant about doing it on  your personal profile. Because you are probably getting more engagements there..then go ahead..and post these four types..


Hope you got value out of this., if you did, share it with your team, and ofcourse like my fan page to get more tips and trainings like this and also subscribe from my youtube channel if you are watching t his from youtube..


See you guys on the next video..

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