Episode #24 – HOW TO CLOSE ON SOCIAL MEDIA with your Home Business Opportunity!

Being able to close on social media with your home business opportunity is crucial to the growth of your team and our overall business success. Regardless of how many leads you generate, if you can’t convert and close them, they are nothing but dead leads, especially in the network marketing and affiliate marketing business that you conduct online. Tune into learn how you can Close on Social Media for your online home business!

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Alright, I’ll see you on the flip side!!!

Victoria Ter

Author, World Traveller and Speaker

PS. If you would like to learn what I do to generate a full time income from Home, Click Here to learn how! 


HOW TO CLOSE ON SOCIAL MEDIA with your Home Business Opportunity!

Hello and Welcome! This is Victoria Ter from Victoria Ter Lifestyle.com, the place where you will learn how to build, grow, and create a wildly profitable and successful Online business and be on your way to becoming the Ultimate Lifestyle Entrepreneur! Now, Whether you are building an affiliate or network marketing business, or even offering your own  products or services, this is the place to be! You will get tons of resources, how to’s and what’s working now in the Online World.  So let’s dive in to today’s Episode!

In Today’s Episode I’m going to be sharing with you, HOW TO CLOSE ON SOCIAL MEDIA with your Home Business Opportunity!

Now, I know that’s one of the biggest challenges that most people have…

How to close is probably the scariest thing in the beginning because you are probably picturing it a certain way. Perhaps you picture it as being pushy and trying to pressure everyone while they all say no…

But let’s put you at ease, you have to first start by going in with a positive mental state. You  have to believe that they will say Yes, and if they say no, it’s no big deal, you don’t take it personally and you move onto the next person, kind of like the waitress asking if the customer wants a cup of coffee, if the customer says no right now, he might want some later, no just means, not now…you just  never know what life changes there may be in the future.


Now I  will be sharing with you…the closing lines you can use as a starting point to share your presentation, and when you should share them!


Now understand this can be used in any home business that has to do with presenting a product, service or business opportunity. This method is good for network marketers as well as  an affiliate product, or any internet type business.


Are you ready?


Okay now before you go onto closing, be sure you’ve gone over my other episodes on Prospecting…otherwise, this part will be confusing to you.


Alright,  so now you are a point where you’ve learned what their problem is and you are thinking to yourself, when should you send the information to this prospect?


Well, I’ve seen many out there going in for that kill of Pitching to the prospect, before they even finesses and wooed them…now I understand you know what their need or problem is, but they still don’t know you that well…so going in for the kill could turn them off.


You have to dig a little bit deeper. You need to find out what their emotional pain is. Are they telling you that they are not getting to spend enough time with their family? If so, find out how bad it is. Are they working like 10-11 hours a day, and missing all of their children extra curricular activities?  Or are they worried that they won’t have any money and are heading towards retirement. What is it that pains them emotionally. Now after 1 or 2 more digging deeper questions and you’ve gathered enough intel on them, then you can decide which closing lines to use.


Now just for you to note, after you use the closing line, you have one of two options, and I’ve seen it work both ways, so it all depends on how you feel and how your conversation plays out.


Now the first option is get them on the phone before you give them your business information. If you built enough rapport, you can actually do this. Or, you can give them the business information first, and then get their number to call and follow up. Either way can work, it all depends on your personal preference, maybe you can mix it up. That’s up to you. You can test it to see which one works better for you.


The most important message I want you to understand is, once you discover what the problem is, you need to dig a little deeper to really understand where they are in their life.


Okay now I’m going to share with you some scripts that I learned from Jessica Higdon, you can say something a long side this,


“Based on what you’ve shared with me, I think you may want to take a look at what I do. We’ve helped a lot of people in your situation, I don’t know if the business is a fit but I think you’d love the product.?”


You see how simple that script is, now you can use this as a base reference, or say it just like in a conversational form of course.


Here’s another one you can use:


“I run a side project for busy people, to help them ( find more time to do more outdoor activities, spend more fun time with their kids, go surfing more often, travel more often, this is where you can throw in the problem or desire that they have,) then you say  If you are open, I can send you some information” Oh and if they are not a busy person, don’t say it, you have to listen to them first and see what they say and use that back at them.


Note, in my scripts I say the word “open” and not the word  “interested” because people can easily say, no they are not interested, but many people don’t really like to say that they are not at least open minded, so that’s a bit of psychology for you.


Another awesome script to use as reference is:


“From What you’ve shared, it seems like if you are heading down the same path and things don’t seem like they will change, have you ever considered doing something else? I could send you some info on what I do if you’d like, if not, no big deal.”  And be sure to send smiley emojis.


Again always end in the same way.


You always want to throw their problems back into their face, so that they feel the pain, you are really helping them when you mention their problem, you are helping them solve their problem, if you don’t throw it back at them, you might be nice, but you won’t be helping them.


Then you go on and say…


“When do you have about 15 min to take a look at something? I’m not sure whether it be a fit for you, but I’d feel bad if I didn’t show you after what you’ve shared.”


Now don’t use this script if you haven’t really built real rapport with them, because if you don’t know them, they won’t believe you would feel bad. So don’t say it unless you’ve really gotten to know them and vice versa!


You feel bad? Who would say no to that? Now it takes the pressure off them and puts in back on you. Nobody wants you to feel bad? So they are going to be like sure, show me what you got, right? That’s a really good one, but you just have to be very careful who you share that with because you have to make sure you built enough rapport.


Here’s another one, for those that are a little more stand off-ish and they are pushing you back a little bit, this is more of a take away.


“I don’t think my business would be a fit for you at all, but I think you’d love the product. If you’d like, I could send you some information, if not no big deal.”


Now use this with those that give you more of an attitude or stand off feeling…


Again, write it with the smiley faces so they know you are  hard closing them, but not really , just have fun with it, test out which one works best for you. Just get a feel for it, have fun with it.


Here is another one:


“Are you open to looking at something that won’t interfere with what you are currently doing”


Are you open? That’s all I’m asking?


This is a classic Ray Higdon line, but it really works. Obvious you can work the words to be more in your voice, but this a basic script that really works well!


Be sure you use different ones for different types of people otherwise your closing ratio will be substantially low.


If you are talking to other network/internet marketers. If this is the case, you can’t really use the scripts I’ve given you just a moment ago, they’ve already heard those types of scripts, that’s why they are in this business.


With Network/internet marketers you have to approach it a little different. You have to be more direct, tell them exactly which company you are in. Don’t give them generic jargon like, I help people find financial freedom and time with products and services. It will come off weird and not genuine. They already know you are in network/internet marketing, just be direct about it.


Many network/internet marketers crave direction and leadership. So if there is a lack of that. You  need to swoop in and find out so that you can help them. Then you can say something along side this.


“Would you be open to looking at a new business ?” (notice I say the word new, people love new things, not another business or an alternative business, but a new business…people have this shiny object syndrome and love new things) then I go on and say,


“If you’re happy where you’re at, and your leaders are grooming you for success, then I certainly don’t want to take you away from that, however if you’re looking for great trainings and mentorship, I could send you some information, if not, no big deal.”


You see how the phrase “if your leaders are grooming you for success” was thrown in right? Well you are planting a seed of doubt when you say that, because if they are not being groomed, and many time they are not, they will look at you as an authority figure who has the solution for them and they will start to turn their heads to you and be like..hmm…this person could probably help me.


You see what I’m getting at?


NOW if you tip toe around other network/internet marketers and trying to kind of hide the fact that you are one too,  they will sense it and be completely turned off. Just tell them directly. Don’t hide your company name and say, oh let me get to know you a little more and then I’ll talk business with you. No, they already know what you do, just tell them what company and talk about your leadership and your knowledge about the industry. Try to help them. Three things can happen out of this.


#1 they can see that you have better leadership and decide to sign up with you and leave their company especially if they are not happy with their company.


#2 they are happy with their company, but they discover your product is amazing and want to become a customer, or..


#3 you’ve just made a new friend and can present them with another affiliate product that they will need to help them grow in their business. (if you don’t have one, find one, you need to have more than just your network/internet marketing company as an offer, otherwise you are leaving money on the table, if you want to know what I do and what I offer that almost never get turned down, send me a private message or comment below that you want to know and I’ll get that information to you. )


Okay, so I just shared with you the most effective closing scripts and when to use them. I hope you take these ideas, put them in your own words, or use them as is if you want and go out there and test it out. You will begin to see great results. 


Well that’s it for now!

if this Episode helped  you in anyway,  do like, subscribe from where ever you are consuming this from as I’m everywhere, and do share it with your teammates or a friend that needs to hear this.  Also,  head on over to www.victoriaterlifestyle.com so that you can get access to all my inspiring tips and trainings so you can thrive successfully in your business!

And while you are there, grab my free ebook, it will show you exactly what I do to generate a healthy full time income for myself, and you will also be able to get on my VIP list that is open for only a very limited time, so don’t miss out on that, I will be sharing with only my VIP list only, exclusive information on the latest trainings, tools, and resources of what’s working now.

And don’t forget to Comment Below, because you know how much I love your comments as it makes creating these episodes so much more fun and give me more ideas to answer you questions,  So go ahead, comment below and tell me  if you are struggling to close in your home business and what else would you like to know?  Ask me any questions pertaining to that and I may feature my next episode with an answer to your questions.

Alright, I’ll see you on the flip side!!!

Again its Victoria Ter, coming to you from VictoriaTerLifestyle.com signing off!

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