We have been gifted with the Power of Choice and many of us do not understand how to sustain that power and allow external forces to take that power away from us. For any business to thrive and survive, we need to apply this power. To understand how you can do that, and apply it to your business, tune into this Blog Post to learn how.

Watch the video below or listen tune into it in soundcloud.

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Alright, I’ll see you on the flip side!!!

Victoria Ter

Author, World Traveller and Speaker

PS. If you would like to learn what I do to generate a full time income from Home, Click Here to learn how! 




Hello and Welcome! This is Victoria Ter from VictoriaTerLifestyle.com, the place where you will learn how to build, grow, and create a wildly profitable and successful Online business and be on your way to becoming the Ultimate Lifestyle Entrepreneur! Okay Now let’s dive in, to today’s Episode.

In today’s Episode, I will be sharing with you, the POWER of Choice..something that many people do not have around the world, and something that many of us take for granted.

We have to remember that, WE Have the Power of CHOICE and we should embrace in it.

When we decide that we want to make a choice, to make a change,  our business change, our lives change, our family lifestyle changes.

If nothing changes, nothing changes…you will still be exactly where you are if you do not choose to make that change, from your power of choice. 

So you have to focus on making a choice to  change. We all have that power and when you don’t decide to make that change, you have given that power up.

If you let external obstacles stop you or  hold you back from making changes and doing things that move you further along in your business, then you’ve given up the power of choice.

You can make that choice, you just have to decide!

If the day didn’t work out for you the way you wanted to, what you do as a reaction is a choice. You can either mope about it, let it cripple you, become resentful, and end up doing nothing for the day out of frustration and anger and throw in that towel, or you can use that towel to wipe the sweat off  your face, move on to the next thing that you need to do, and let your day continue on productive, and complete another task that takes you closer to your goal…and that ultimately making you feel a wee bit better..? Right?  

Well maybe, I know it feels better than sulking with no results  or productivity. No matter what choice you make, that clock will still tick and that time will still get used up. Your life will either get better or worse depending on the choice you decide to make.


What do you think?

A lot of people throw in the towel and give up.. They use the time to sulk, feel sorry for themselves, and feel bad about not trying hard enough, and find a bunch of loser friends to complain to and say the business they worked so hard on, didn’t work out for them. You know, the business that they spent probably 2 hours a day, if at all working on it, and spent about $50 bucks signing up for and didn’t make the millions they thought they would make in a month, yeah that business…


You see had they just made a different choice. A choice to first accept and understand that, they just signed up for a business, and every business requires hard work, especially in the beginning. If they had just made that choice to say to themselves that they deserve this chance and that they will do whatever it takes to get there. If they made that choice, the outcome would have been different.


Who do you want to be?


The one that chooses to quit when things get hard, or the one that gets up, and turn that lemon into lemonade…

Make the choice to make the Change and a better life for you will be waiting for you…

Let me give you an example. If you want to make $100k a year, it’s not gonna happen by chance, it’s going to happen by you choosing to do what it takes to make that happen.

You will to choose to find a vehicle to get you there, meaning selecting a business model that you can work with.

You will choose to further educate yourself so you can provide value to the market place.

You will choose to learn how to use systems and tools like the professional who use it to leverage their business so they don’t burn out.


You will choose to spend as much time as you can to work through learning how to use those systems and tools.

You will choose to not waste time playing video games or watching tv, and gossip, and sit down and prospect.

You will choose to do what professionals do..because that is what it takes to make the kind of money that you want.

It doesn’t just happen by chance.., its by the choices that you make

and you and only you have power over those choices…

Just like everything else that happens in your life, sometimes you don’t have a choice as to why or how they happen, but you have the choice as to how you will react to it, you can let it consume you, or you can choose to use it as a fuel to push you to work harder..The choice is yours…

You can choose to live in fear or you can choose to slap fear in the face like Mark Harbert said..

You can choose to be happy right now, because you are alive and breathing to make that choice, or you can choose to be sad, depressed, and hopeless…

You know how I know choosing to be happy is a choice, because if someone stuck a gun in my head and said, listen, if you choose to be happy right now, genuinely happy, I’ll let you live, but if you choose to be sad or depressed, I’m gonna blow your brains, I bet you in that instant, not only me, but anyone in that position, would naturally and automatically choose to be happy, because they are probably just relieved to be set free…see how quickly prospective suddenly changed.

You see my point….happiness is a choice.. it’s not always easy, but it’s still a choice…


Yes, I understand that for some, it is harder than others to make that choice due to some special circumstances…but there is still hope, if they just choose to try. Choose to try to take one step at a time each day and make one choice that would move them in a positive direction. Eventually, they would overcome any adversity that they face. It ultimately starts with a choice.

Your results are gonna be based on all the choice you make…

So you have no one else to blame,  because the power of choice is yours!..

So which choice do you want to make…? ..change and improve your mindset, skillsets and work through the difficulty of this business and allowing enough time to become proficient and a pro at it, with amazing returns that will ultimately leaves a legacy to your children, or choose to give up, and be that person who regrets not living life to the fullest and not making a choice to give it a fair chance by working through it…

Which one do you want to be?

Well I hope this helps you a little bit and get you going..

that’s it for now!

Okay if this Episode inspired you in anyway, do like, subscribe from where ever you are consuming this from as I’m everywhere, and do share it with your teammates or a friend that needs to hear this. Also,  head on over to www.victoriaterlifestyle.com so that you can get access to all my inspiring tips and trainings so you can thrive successfully in your business!

And while you are there, grab my free ebook, it will show you exactly what I do to generate a healthy full time income for myself, and you will also be able to get on my VIP list that is open for only a very limited time, so don’t miss out on that, I will be sharing with my VIP list only, exclusive information on the latest trainings, tools, and resources of what’s working now.

And don’t forget to Comment Below, because you know how much I love your comments and it makes creating these episodes so much more fun! So go ahead, comment below and tell me your story. Share with me some of your choices and the outcomes.  Are you happy with your choices thus far? ..I’d love to hear from you.

Alright, I’ll see you on the flip side!!!

Again its Victoria Ter, coming to you from VictoriaTerLifestyle.com signing off!



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