Episode#26 – Facebook Guidelines and What Not To do!

Okay how many of you are breaking facebook guidelines and getting banned or locked out . Well if it happened to you, or if you want to avoid it, listen up. I’m gonna be sharing some facebook guidelines that you many want to know and what you shouldn’t be doing !

Watch the Video Below!


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Alright, I’ll see you on the flip side!!!

Victoria Ter

Author, World Traveller and Speaker

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Okay how many of you are breaking facebook guidelines and getting banned or locked out . Well if it happened to you, or if you want to avoid it, listen up. I’m gonna be sharing some facebook guidelines that you many want to know and what you shouldn’t be doing !


Okay so lets begin..



This is where you can start getting around the Facebook updates.


There are a few things that you shouldn’t be doing.


Now I talked about how you can craft effective messages to your prospects but before you go off messaging people, know that


  1. You cannot message everyone and their mom super-duper fast. Don’t message everybody extremely fast. First of all you should take a few minutes to learn about the person, so there’s no reason for you to be able to message people quickly if you don’t know anything about them. I shared that with you in my previous video on what you should do before you start messaging people. You can’t craft and effective message and have people respond positively if you don’t check out their profile first. You need to learn, What kind of person they are. If you even want to message them. But, here’s how you can leverage your time, you can create a schedule


  1. Don’t just copy and send the same message to everyone. Please don’t do that.


  1. Do not tag people in pictures they’re not in or statuses all the time that they’re not in. If you don’t know what the tag feature is, don’t worry about it,

But, don’t tag people in pictures they’re not in. They hate that. Facebook hates that. That’ll get you in trouble and they’ll be watching you when you start messaging so don’t do that. ·


  1. Don’t spam groups with your links. So, when you go into a group and you want to show people you’re in that group say, “Hey guys, I just joined the group, so excited to be here” and then don’t put a link. Just leave it at that. And, if you want people to start following you, interacting, provide value in those groups. Share inspirational quotes. Share valuable video content, you can add links there for additional free resources or tell them in the video to check your blog or facebook fan page out for more tips and trainings. But just don’t put links with no value provided first. Be smart about it. Don’t spam. Please don’t put links in your groups. It’s making these groups really, really spammy and the groups will become ineffective in the future.


  1. Don’t friend request super-fast. So, once you send a message, what you can do is instead of friend requesting super-fast, I always ask them if I can friend request them and I wait for their response, because you could message someone without friend requesting them. If you do it at the same time, You will be on Facebook’s radar and the more of these you do, they will just shut that feature off for a while. So, I always ask first, wait for the response. It gives them enough time and so forth.


Here’s what Facebook really looks for. And this is coming straight from their guidelines.


So, if you receive any type of warning from Facebook, you need to stop for at least 24 hours. Do not message. Do not do anything for 24 hours.


Also, with friend requests – instead of friending someone, again, it’s the same thing, they don’t want you to go too fast because it might show that you’re a spammer. You can follow them instead. It says right here. If you want to find out about them, just go ahead and follow them if they have that option next to the friend request button and the message button on their Profile. Some people might not have the follow botton. They have to actually activate the Follow button.. Don’t go crazy but you can follow people. Just don’t be friending people left and right because Facebook will think, “Uh-oh, spammer” and then shut your account down. So, you want to make sure you stick to that.. So, when you are messaging people, start by small talk first as I mentioned in the video  on how you draft messages to people, then after you feel like there is a positive conversation going on , then ask if you can friend them so that you can see their post in your news feed. Then see if they are okay with it. If not, don’t send a friend request, because if you do, they can report you as spam or if they don’t accept the request or go too long not responding to the request, facebook may notice because you will fall under one of their algorithm, and they will just shut your friend request option out. So be sure to ask, especially when you don’t have any mutual friends. Here’s a smart way to do it to go undetected or suspected by facebook. Set a number of people to message in the morning, in the afternoon, and at night – throughout the day. Don’t do it all at once. Just do it throughout the day. So, here’s what you can do: · Send messages throughout the day. Like I said – morning, noon, and night. · Take your time. Find out what you have in common with them on their profile. If I was just mass messaging people, I could copy/paste, copy/paste and send about 20 messages within two or three minutes. That’s what Facebook’s looking for. Number one, that won’t get you any results anyway. So, this might take you a little longer in the beginning but in the end, you’ll have faster and better results because you won’t be wasting your time just doing that spammy stuff that no one likes


The other way to help you not get on Facebook radar, is if you are building a really nice rapport with them,  Ask them to friend request first and then wait for a response. That way you’re not friend requesting people a bunch of times and that gives them a reason to respond to you as well. Now I find that when you talk to other business people or network marketers, they are very open to adding new friends into their friend’s list, so that approach could be a lot easier too, than someone who has no desire to socialize with you. People in the industy are  usually open to socializing with strangers because to them, it’s a potential opportunity, but the same benefits to you if they are willing to add you to their list. You see my point.


And the other thing you can do if you are spreading your friend request throughout the day, you can follow more people, again don’t go crazy, I have heard that that function can be taken away as well..so don’t go nuts but mix it in with the friend request and you should be good for the day. Many times when you follow someone, they usually come back with a Friend request, so that’s good for you.


Okay, I hope you found value in this, share it with your team so they can learn this as well, and comment below if you have any questions, and connect with me on Facebook directly, send me a private message if you want to know exactly what I’m doing to get great results in this business. And ofcourse like my fanpage to get tips and trainings like this, and subscribe to my youtube channel if you are watching this from youtube? Okay don’t forget to grab that Freebie as well in the link above or below me! Bye..

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