If you are in business or marketing online, learning how to post for profits is important so you don’t waste time on it for nothing.

Watch the Video Below to learn how to Post for Profit!


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Alright, I’ll see you on the flip side!!!

Victoria Ter

Author, World Traveller and Speaker

PS. If you would like to learn what I do to generate a full time income from Home, Click Here to learn how! 





If you are in business or marketing online, learning how to post for profits is important so you don’t waste time on it for nothing.

Okay a few things that you will need to know, If you want ensure that you are posting for profit.

  1.     The first thing you need to do, is understand your Prospects, understand who they are and what their needs are. What question do they have.  What issues are they confronted with. What are their pain points. For an Example, if your target prospect is a retired old couple. What would their concerns be? Probably having enough money for retirement. Maybe making a little extra to spoil their grandkids, or maybe just being able to have disposable income to travel. You need to understand what the issue is with this demographic, and bring a solution to them, by posting on purpose. Things you post will address their needs, wants, desires. So if you know what they are, you can easily accommodate that with post pertaining to them.


  1.     You need to stick to the 80/20 or 90/10 rule, meaning 80 or 90 percent value, and 20 or 10 percent promoting.


  1.     You should be yourself. Thing you post should reflect your personality. Be who you are, don’t try to pretend to be someone you are not just to build rapport. If you love cats, show that you love cats, kind of like Tracy Rose, she loves cats, and she displays them in almost all her videos and guess, she attract people just like her, and that’s what you want, you don’t have to market to everyone to be successful, you can just market to those just like you. You would come off more natural and authentic, and when people come across things that reminds them of you, they will connect with you. Another marketer, she loves peacocks, and she has them all over her background and she talks about it all the time, and guess when when someone come across an article about a peacock, they think about her and they send the article her way. Have your own identity and let it be you. Who ever you are. Understand that you are enough. This is very important! You don’t want to be stuck in the middle or being super perfect and professional, that can get boring after a while. Because most people can’t relate to that, most people are not perfect. So just be yourself.


  1.     And when you are pitching, you know that 20/10 percent part? You may want to think about what it does for the prospect, not what exactly it is. Don’t promote the features, but promote what the feature does. For example, lets go back to the old couple. When you talk to them, you may not want to talk about all the technical jargan and how cool that tools and systems maybe be for them, because they might feel like its high tech and they can’t possibly do it. You can have a post that says, “it use to be different to retire several years ago, but now the cost of living is higher than the social security that most retiree get and pensions almost don’t exist anymore, so if you are just retiring from Social security alone, it may be hard to survive on that. Well there’s a solution. How would it feel to know you will have more than enough money to retire on and make money residually, while you are spend time with your grandchildren, well we are having meeting today at 6pm, contact us for location and details.” You see how this is phrased. So if you are trying to get them to attend these meetings, that statement will pretty much trigger their emotions enough to get to them to act on it if they fit the profile. Remember you have a target audience, and that is who you are looking to attract. You are not marketing to everyone.  When you do this, you are  intriguing them, not just telling them to join you or buy this.


  1.     So what else do you post. You post images, photos of your team, and rank advancement or success stories. If  you are starting off, share blogs of someone else’s material that is valuable to the market you are after. Its good to have your own at some point, but you can definitely post others on your wall that provides a solution to your prospects problems!


  1.     Post things that are personal in your life, people are nosy, they like to know your business..thats why reality shows are so popular and have such high ratings, its all about someone’s personal life.  Be real, tell the real story of your struggles. If you are perfect, you are boring. What draws attention the most headlines on magazines, usually the crazy things that happen in people’s lives right?, drama..don’t be a drama king or queen, but share some drama, don’t be overly negative, but just share your story and how you are overcoming it. Share your life journey!


  1.     Post sayings and videos that inspire others.


  1.     Share stories about your experience, or someone you know very well!


  1.     Share links to valuable content and tell your audience why you are sharing is so they have a reason to click on it.


  1.  Post things that are humorous.


There are a ton more ideas, but these are the main ones…

Don’t forget, people who comment on your post with interest are usually leads. So don’t over look that. When they comment on your post, especially ones that talks about sharing your feelings or understanding your post, they are usually great leads.

If you are not sure what to do, look for someone that you resonate with and follow them and do what they do, its okay to emulate them. Share some of their post.

Alright so that’s just a few examples of how you can post things that are relevant, so you can provide value, build rapport with your target audience, and move closer to signing them up, and turning your business profitable. That’s what I mean by posting for Profit.

I hope you got value out of this, be sure to share it with your team so they can learn from this as well and comment below with your own thoughts and ideas and what you think I should add to this list.



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