In order to succeed in your Direct Sales Business, you would need to understand how to grow it the right way! There are 3 Easy Ways to Build Your Direct Sales Business using the Internet! These strategies will allow you to grow your sales and increase leads substantially and you will be building a long lasting relationship with your buyers and therefore grow your business even faster. With the use of the internet, you no longer have to implement the traditional methods.  No more Offline marketing needed and no more having to approach friends and family! Sounds good? Read ahead…and watch the videos and listen to the audios!

Watch the Video Here:

Listen to the Audio on Sound Cloud: Click Here

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Be sure to comment below and share with me one point that you thought was helpful.  Also,  share with us a strategy that is working for you so everyone here can also learn from you!

Alright, I’ll see you on the flip side!!!

Victoria Ter

PS. If you would like to learn what I do to generate a full time income from Home, Click Here to learn how! 


Hello and Welcome! This is Victoria Ter from VictoriaTerLifestyle.com, the place where you will learn how to build, grow, and create a profitable and successful Online business and be on your way to becoming that Ultimate Lifestyle Entrepreneur! Whether you are building an affiliate marketing business or network marketing business, or even offering your own  products or services, this is the place to be! Don’t forget, before you head out or even begin, go on over to Victoriaterlifestyle.com to grab my limited time only Ebook, on the Secret formula to a Profitable Online Business and get on my Private VIP list, and get access to exclusive resources, how to’s and what’s working now in the Online World.  Okay Now let’s dive in, to today’s Episode. 

Okay in today’s episode, I’m going to share with you,  the 3 EASY WAYS TO BUILD YOUR DIRECT SALES BUSINESS USING THE INTERNET!!!!

Yeah you got it, there are ways you can do it without the old fashion belly to belly hustle and bustle.

No more home parties, strolling through malls and all those crazy things that you hate doing, especially approaching your friends and family, that was a nightmare for me. I was so embarrassed and felt so foolish when they said no, and looked at me funny.

Did you ever feel that way?

I sure heck did at one point….Absolutely!….

The good thing is, we no longer live in an era where we need to approach our warm market only and then get bashed, embarrassed and rejected by them.

First of all, we need to understand that most of the time, they are not the ideal candidates because 9 out of 10, they are not interested in our business, especially in the beginning when we have not proven ourselves yet! I’m not saying never let them know what you are doing.

I’m just saying, let’s hold off for a little bit…

The great part is though, there are a quite a few people that are starting to get into the home business arena.

Ohlalala…which means people are starting to become open to our industry..thats a good thing…except..many are doing it wrong and are giving our industry a bad wrap..

I’ve seen many postings and ads on my Facebook news feed and they are not really marketing it properly. First of all, many of them are using their personal profile to market, that the last place you want to market to, most people there are not interested…your personal profile should only be a place where you build your relationship better…but not to post ads and pitches about your business…

I get pitched left and right, all the wrong way ..but I’m totally cool with it…cause I’m in the same market…

Problem is, Many are being very opportunistic and promotional and quite frankly that annoys many of their friends and family.

Well that’s because there is a right way and a wrong way to do it. I’ve been there, I’ve done it the wrong way many times before and I got unfriended and some even scolded me and then blocked me.

Has that happened to you?

That shit was so embarrassing…

I even went to Facebook Jail and trust me it was so irritating and difficult to get out.

But to be honest though …

I really deserved it.

After that, I realized that I needed to learn how to do this shit the right way…


You see, after all the nonsense..I knew there has got to be a right way, cause hell, I see plenty of people making it…why the F*ck not me…right?


I’m cute, I’m funny, well, at least I think I am…and all I need is some serious knowledge  and  I’d be unstoppable…right??? 

Soooooo….what turned the tides…

you know what it is…and I’ve preached this many times…simply because it works…

I started to invest in myself with educational tools, observed top leaders in the industry that I admired and started to implement the strategies that I learned from them into my own business…

Wholly sh*t..everything just suddenly took a turn..…the results started rolling in…

Okay enough about me…here’s some awesome strategies I learned, and I’m sharing it with you…


So here are the Top 3 strategies that I learned and implemented to effectively market my home business utilizing the internet!

No more posting desperately everywhere…without a real strategy.

Soooo..I”m gonna share those strategies with you right now, are you ready…

Top Strategy #1 – Prospecting Online – There are 4 steps to this strategy…

This strategy is very similar to the offline approach, but its geared more towards online. This is one of the strategies that I’ve incorporated to bring in new people into my home business. I originally learned it from from Ray, yeah,  you probably know him. I bought all his shit..(I mean..courses)…and I learned a hell of a lot from him…

So here is how it starts:

Step 1) Research – Utilize the Facebook Graph tool which is on the top of your page, to do some research on your Friend’s of Friend’s who are in the local area.

The reason for doing this is because you can directly message “ a friend of a friend” . This way you would go to their main inbox, verse, the “other” inbox that most people don’t even know exist, thats their spam box. 

Also by starting off locally, it allows you the chance to meet face to face which allows for a tighter connection and bond than someone just off the internet that lives far away.

Step 2) Qualify them – Check out their profile and see what they are interested in. See if there is anything that would give you signs that they would be interested in a home business. Or they are just a physho, and you don’t want to even know them…yeah…

Usually you should look for the subtle things like if they are interested in weight loss, or exercise equipments or likes workout videos, then you know they are interested in health and nutrition. (so if you represent a health and nutrition company, this is a good sign). The other is if they are interested in people like Ray Higdon and Eric Worre, then you know they have interest in the network marketing industry too.

These subtle details can tell you a lot about their potential of being a viable prospect.

Step 3) Your Message – Yup, just like in person prospecting, you will work on drafting your first message to them.

You will be coming up with a message specifically tailored to them after some research on them. You can mention the friend that you have in common, and let them know you are a recruiter for “health and nutrition company” or what ever company product you represent that resonates with them, and ask them if they are open to making some extra income on the side.

Make sure you are not drafting anything that sounds sales like or pitchy. You are not looking to close on them the first time you message. Your Goal is to see if they are OPEN to a home business. That’s it.

Word of warning, DO NOT post any links for signups or about your company to them in this first message. They may report you as spam and Facebook will close your account and your company can also get into trouble. So do not do that unless you are in a dialogue and they ask you for information on your company.

Step 4) Set an Appointment – If you get a positive response and they show interest, make sure you book a time with them right away to either meet face to face or get on the phone. Just let them know that it’s best to get to know each other and to see if this would be a fit for them as well as for you.

Okay, if they agree to meet in person or over the phone, make sure you have your company information ready to provide to them. Hopefully your upline has given you the prep materials for you to provide to your prospects. It can be a brochure, CD, or link of some sort to plug in if its over the phone.

Note that NOT everyone will respond positively with a yes. Most probably won’t. Some may not respond at all in the beginning…

But you can definitely try a follow up message..

Draft a short message to see if they received the first message to begin with, or to see if they may still be interested….

Follow up messages are very powerful because it’s a reminder, incase they were originally interested but just didn’t get a chance to respond back and then just forgot…

You have nothing to loose, but only to gain…it was already a NO, when you didn’t ask again…but when you try again…sometimes it can be a Yes…

But if you don’t get a response on the second message…I recommend you let it go and move on…

Top Strategy #2 – Show your Results

This is a pretty effective approach but it may or may not be suitable to you. You can determine if this is something you want to do..

This is where you post your results on social media. For example, you post your checks, pictures of your payments online, vacations you won, cars you earned, or buying from the money you made, before and after results of a nutritional program you worked with. Things of that nature.

Here you wait to see what people would say. Comments that they may make on the post, or private messages that they send you expressing interest. This is more of a passive approach as you are waiting for others to contact you. But its pretty effective if you do it right.

Make sure you have a “Call to Action” button on your message so that others can contact you right there if they want more information.

This is only effective if you post true results. If its fake, and people find out, you loose all credibility. It’s better to post small successes that are real and build on that, than to post fake ones.

Another approach here is, you can share a success of someone that you know in your industry and take that angle. It’s more effective, especially in the beginning…

But note, you have to be comfortable with this approach and be conscious. If you overdo this, some of your friends and family may be pissed off because it seems too hypey, especially if they don’t believe its true.

So be weary if you do this…

Although I have seen some people do it effectively, especially when they show the results of a screen shot from their computer that proved they really earned it. Truth is, most people do have a desire to earn more money.

Okay, let me share with you a more friendly and socially acceptable approach….

You lead with your product or service! Get a testimonial of someone who used the product or service in your company, and if you are just starting off and do not have anyone to give you testimonials yet, get a story about someone else in your company that has those testimonials, or company testimonials.

This approach would help you get new business with people interested in your product and at some point if they fall in love with your product, they may be inclined to join your business naturally.

Many people in the industry successfully utilize this method with weight loss and nutrition as well as skin care. It’s especially effective with the use of before and after pictures.

Its important that people see the desirable changes and in time get in touch with you. And you can start implementing strategy number 1 that I mentioned earlier. 

However, if you find it difficult or you just plain old do not like to “close” on people, then you can implement another very powerful strategy. This strategy is really effective.

Top Strategy # 3 – The Power of Attraction Marketing – If you are not new in this industry, I’m sure you’ve heard about it. But if you are new, here is how it works…

You see, When I started to invest in myself and learn as much as I can about what all the top leaders were doing, I saw a trend and realized they all implement what we call, Attraction Marketing.

This is where the top leaders had attracted people into their business and they didn’t have to spam anyone, or send them links or even share the name of their company.

When I signed up for a Free High-Coaching program webinar, where it taught me how to implement attraction marketing, I no longer had to implement Strategy #1 or #2 because it wasn’t really scalable nor was it necessary. I was able to get leads come straight to my email, enough that I didn’t need to approach anyone directly on Facebook or any social media platform.., they came to me.

I now have 5-10 new leads daily automatically coming to my inbox for me to contact and follow up with about my business.

Yeah it doesn’t seem much to the experts out there, but i can tell you, it means a lot to newbies..and its a realistic number if you are new

These are not just any leads either, these are of people already interested in the kind of business that I’m in.

Many online businesses and even offline business are using these kinds of attraction marketing methods to grow their business and bring in the right qualified leads to talk to.

For all the network marketers or affiliate marketers, they no longer have to chase after their friends or their families to join or buy their products and services when they implement this strategy. They have enough people to talk to on a daily basis, and some top earners in the business have from 20 to 30 to even 50 qualified leads come in daily. Now if you want to learn more on this topic, visit VictoriaTerLifestyle.com,  get on my private VIP list, and get exclusive trainings on this subject and more, as I’d be happy to guide you further.

Now understand that Success in this business won’t come overnight but if you continue to keep yourself educated, invest in your skills and knowledge and continue to plug away and leverage systems that work for you, you will start to see results. Your success may literally be inches away!

Well that’s it for now!  if you want more tips, trainings and inspiration like this, or simply want to learn what I am doing to build and create a profitable online business, come on over to Victoriaterlifestyle.com, grab my free ebook, it will show you exactly what I do to generate a healthy full time income for myself, and you will also be able to get on my VIP list that is open for only a very limited time, so don’t miss out on that, I will be sharing with my VIP list only, exclusive information on the latest trainings, tools, and resources of what’s working now.

If you want to connect with me, see the show notes or description box above or below this content, it all depends on where you are consuming this from, and you can contact me in the various different ways, but the easiest ofcourse is..Just head on over to VictoriaTerLifestyle.com and get on my VIP list.

And ofcourse, don’t forget, be sure to comment below and share with me one point that you thought was helpful.  Also,  share with us a strategy that is working for you so everyone here can also learn from you!

Alright, I’ll see you on the flip side!!!

its Victoria Ter, coming to you from VictoriaTerLifestyle.com signing off!



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