Sponsoring is such a vital part of many online businesses. Understanding how to sponsor the mass is even more crucial. When someone knows how to sponsor the mass, their business will grow dramatically in a very short period of time.  Tune into this Blog post and learn how you can sponsor the Mass and grow your business exponentially.

Watch the video below or listen into it in Soundcloud.

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Alright, I’ll see you on the flip side!!!

Victoria Ter

Author, World Traveller and Speaker

PS. If you would like to learn what I do to generate a full time income from Home, Click Here to learn how! 




Hey, Welcome! This is Victoria Ter from Victoria Ter Lifestyle.com, the place where you will learn how to build, grow, and create a profitable and successful Online business and be on your way to becoming that Ultimate Lifestyle Entrepreneur! Whether you are building an affiliate marketing business or network marketing business, or even offering your own  products or services, this is the place to be! You will get tons of resources, how to’s and what’s working now in the Online World.  So let’s dive in to today’s Episode!

Today’s episode will be about how to sponsor the Mass?

I’m going to be sharing with you today,  how you can appeal to the mass and get them to be sponsored by you!

Are you excited?


okay, You can do it in one of two ways, either through a group presentation if you want to do it in person or a Webinar, if you want to do it online. Now either way, there are 3 key factors that you need to do for both of them.

First Key factor 1 – You still need to build rapport, even if it is to the masses. You may be wondering how do you do that, everyone is so different. 

– Well, When you want to appeal to the Mass, you will need to use all different modality of communication styles, meaning you need to appeal to their  auditory, visual, and touch senses, an example of an auditory senses would be when you use the phrase, “do you hear what I’m saying”), example for Visual senses would be ( do you see what I mean??), and example for Touch would be (we can hold you by the hand). You see, this can be done whether you are doing physical presentations, or even webinars. Your manner of speaking has to vary. Its important to use speed and pace to build rapport with the crowd and it will definitely vary.

You need to mix in words that describes all three modes of communication in one phrase. I learned this from Ray Higdon and I’ll quote him as an example. In one of his closings after  he completed a presentation, he said to the prospects “if this Looks good, and it Resonates with you, or it just feels right to you, then you may want to join now” you see, that phrase satisfied all communication modes.  The phrase, if it looks good satisfies the visual modality, the phrase “ if it resonates with you satisfies the auditory modality, and if it feels right to you satisfies the touch modality. You see what I’m saying?

If you want to inspire the mass, you’ll need to incorporate different styles of communication to the mass. You want to resonate with as many people as possible, so try to mix it up. Otherwise you will miss a certain percentage of the population.

If you are doing a presentation to the mass, you want to use as many modality as possible to build rapport with as many attendance as possible, this rule applies to both online webinars and offline presentations.

Second Key factor 2 – You Learn how to use Direct commands

These direct commands are  Statements you can have in your presentation – you can sprinkle it in so they are very subtle.

Now let me give you an example, direct commands are the phrases, “work with me, Join me, and make a decision”

And here’s how you can sprinkle them in.. in phrases like this…

“ when people work with me, they find that our training is fantastic” You see in that phrase, the command “ work with me” is sprinkled in and not so obvious.

Another example – When I work with an individual and they decide to Join me” You see,  in that phrase ” Join me” is the command.

Another awesome one where all three are incorporated…

When they “make a decision”, to “work with me” and “join me”…their whole business plan is layed out for them and they end up getting fantastic results…” you see where I’ve sprinkled it in, in that sentence?

Look at little areas of your presentation where you can sprinkle in these types of command words. As you start to become that leader and start sponsoring people, you may want to start to look for places that you can embed into your presentations.

This is an advanced technique, and it will take you some time to learn how to incorporate it into your presentations or blog post, or emails. But for now, its just good for you to be aware that these techniques are used by many top earners in the industry. If you are not aware, you wouldn’t even know you need to learn them, so I thought I’d mention. 

Third Key Factor 3 – You need to have a Call to Action – No matter how you do your presentation, you must always have a call to action in the end…Call to actions are the next step that you want your prospect to make. People usually need to be told what to do next because many times, people don’t take action, if you don’t tell them to. So always close with a Call to action.

Examples would be, to have Phrases at the end that triggers the call to action. For example, you may say something along side this. 

If this resonates with you, and you are serious about making a change in  your life and want to give your family the life that they deserve, get started today by registering for xyz course –you see how that call to action is inserted at the end? 

Or lets say its a weight loss program, you can say something along side this. 

“If you feel like you are ready and serious about making a change and improving on your health, then go ahead and register and join me on this journey, let me take you by the hand and walk you through it.”

You see, in there, not only are there call to actions, but also command words. If you are doing a webinar, you may what to tell them where to click, and if it is a live physical presentation, you can tell them where they can go register.

You  see how easy this can be to sponsor the mass, it just takes a little time and practice.

Well that’s it for now!

Okay if this Episode helped you in anyway,  do like, subscribe from where ever you are consuming this from as I’m everywhere, and do share it with your teammates or a friend that needs to learn how to sponsor the mass. Also,  head on over to www.victoriaterlifestyle.com so that you can get access to all my inspiring tips and trainings so you can thrive successfully in your business!

And while you are there, grab my free ebook, it will show you exactly what I do to generate a healthy full time income for myself, and you will also be able to get on my VIP list that is open for only a very limited time, so don’t miss out on that, I will be sharing with my VIP list only, exclusive information on the latest trainings, tools, and resources of what’s working now.

And don’t forget to Comment Below, because you know how much I love your comments and it makes creating these episodes so much more fun! So go ahead, comment below and tell me , what is your strategy to sponsor the mass? ..I’d love to hear from you..and for others to get feedback from you as well!

Alright, I’ll see you on the flip side!!!

Again its Victoria Ter, coming to you from VictoriaTerLifestyle.com signing off!

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