Being passionate about what you love is one thing, but making  money from it, is a whole other conversation. The amazing thing about today’s time is that we are literally able to make real money from what we love, from our passion in life. Imagine being able to know exactly how to do that, step by step. Follow my strategies and you will learn how to do all that!

Watch the video below or listen tune into it in soundcloud.

Watch the Video Here:

Listen to the Audio on Sound Cloud: Click Here



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Be sure to comment below and share with me one point that you thought was helpful.  Also,  share with us a strategy that is working for you so everyone here can also learn from you!

Alright, I’ll see you on the flip side!!!

Victoria Ter

PS. If you would like to learn what I do to generate a full time income from Home, Click Here to learn how! 


Hello and Welcome! This is Victoria Ter from VictoriaTerLifestyle.com, the place where you will learn how to build, grow, and create a profitable and successful Online business and be on your way to becoming that Ultimate Lifestyle Entrepreneur! Okay Now let’s dive in, to today’s Episode.

Today’s Episode is about ..HOW TO MAKE MONEY FROM YOUR PASSION !


So many people are doing it these days, making money from what they are passionate about. If you do it right, it doesn’t have to stay a passion, but an income producing business out of something you love.


The first thing you need to do is figure out what your passion is.  So how do you discover your passion and make money from it ?


Well let me dive right into that.


You can discover what you are passionate about by doing a few things.

  • You have to start with an open mind, know that once you discover your passion, you really can live it and make money from it.
  • Keep away from naysayers – the ones that will tell you it can’t happen. Just because it didn’t happen for them doesn’t mean it won’t happen for you.
  • Think about what it is you absolutely love to do? Something you do so naturally? Play sport, play an instrument, are you an artist? Do you want to paint all day? Are you a photographer, do you want to take pictures all day. Do you love numbers?

If money wasn’t an object, what would you do? Do you love to travel? Do you love being healthy and fit? What is it that you just absolutely love that you know like the back of your head and if you can do it for the rest of your life, you would. So think about what that is.


Okay, So How do you make money from it?  This is what you need to do.

  • Once you discover what it is you love, think of how you would share it with someone who wants to do the same thing?
  • If someone wanted to do the exact same thing, how can you make it easy for them, in a step by step process. You need to figure that out. 
  • After you figure that out. You can start to market it.
  • First you have to grow an audience by sharing with them bits and pieces of what you learned or what ever it is you know. Whatever it is you learned or know, compile it into  mini tips and start sharing it with others.
  • Create a free PDF giveaway so you can start capturing their contact information. What I mean by free giveaway is, if you are a dog lover and you know everything about dogs.
  • You can create a free giveaway with the topic, 10 top activities to do with your dog so that they can stay healthy and fit. Dog lovers do want to know. And they will give you their email in exchange for that.
  • Then after you capture their email, create more value and start building an email list so you can continue to send them more value and build that relationship with them.
  • Once you have a solid relationship with them, you can start to create offers, like a step by step guide to train your dogs to be obedient. Something of that nature.
  • If You are a dog lover, I’m sure you can come up with plenty. You can start to have membership sites where you have a dog club, a place where owners can come to for valuable advice.
  • You can host travel excursions for all the dog lover, where you go hiking together with your dogs, in the woods or something and include your fees in the process.

You see this entire process can be done for any kind of passion. It doesn’t matter what it is.


Well that’s it for now!  If you don’t have a passion or don’t know what it is, but still want to start a business online and want to learn about how to do it,  come on over to Victoriaterlifestyle.com, grab my free ebook, it will show you exactly what I do to build a successful business online to generate a healthy full time income for myself, and you will also be able to get on my VIP list that is open for only a very limited time, so don’t miss out on that, I will be sharing with my VIP list only, exclusive information on the latest trainings, tools, and resources of what’s working now.

If you want to connect with me, see the show notes or description box above or below this content, it all depends on where you are consuming this from, and you can contact me in the various different ways, but the easiest ofcourse is..Just head on over to VictoriaTerLifestyle.com and get on my VIP list.

Okay now…be sure to comment below and share with me one point that you thought was helpful.  Also,  share with us a strategy that is working for you so everyone here can also learn from you!

Alright, I’ll see you on the flip side!!!

Again its Victoria Ter, coming to you from VictoriaTerLifestyle.com signing off!



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